School Uniform
The school uniform for Outwoods Primary School is navy blue and grey
Outwoods Uniform
- Plain navy blue jumper, cardigan, sweatshirt, or fleece. School suppliers will provide options displaying the school badge. Please note that the Outwoods logo does not have to be on the cardigans, sweatshirts, fleeces or t-shirts, this is optional.
- White shirt, polo style t-shirt or white blouse
- Sensible all black/navy shoes (not trainers)
- Grey trousers or skirt
- Grey, black, or white socks
- Black, navy or flesh coloured tights may be worn as an alternative to socks
- Tailored dark grey knee length shorts
- Blue gingham dress
- Sensible all dark coloured sandals
- Sun hat
PE Kit
The children are asked to come to school dressed in their PE/outdoor kits on the day of their lessons. This will be communicated to you at the beginning of the year.
Indoor PE
(Not required at all by Nursery or until after October half term for Reception pupils)
- Navy leggings/tracksuits/jogging bottoms
- A navy hoody/jumper
- Plain white t-shirt (not coloured, no printed motifs, pictures or logos)
- Pumps or trainers
- White/navy shorts (if warm)
- White ankle socks
Outdoor PE/Games
- Navy leggings/tracksuits/jogging bottoms
- Plain white t-shirt (not coloured, no printed motifs, pictures or logos)
- White ankle socks
- Trainers
- A navy hoody/jumper
The only items that are considered appropriate for school are watches (without cameras/internet access), plain studs/sleepers worn in pierced ears (to be removed by parents on the day of PE/games lessons), and jewellery for religious purposes. These guidelines are in line with the latest County Council Policy.
School Uniform
All pupils are required to attend school appropriately dressed. The Governors of Outwoods Primary School working in conjunction with the schools in the CCLT have adopted the following ‘preferred dress’ School Uniform guidelines which children should follow. They mirror the code they will follow at secondary school.
Please see below links to our authorised uniform providers:
My Uniform Ltd offer a School Uniform bundle as well as individual items.
82 Wellington Street, Burton upon Trent, Staffordshire, DE14 2DS, United Kingdom
Tel: 01283 619224. Website
Schoolwear UK