At Outwoods Primary School, we teach PSHE with the aim to enable pupils to manage their emotional, mental and physical wellbeing effectively whilst contributing productively to their community, both locally, nationally and internationally. Our pupils will also have a good understanding of, and respect for, the British values of democracy, mutual respect and tolerance.
In our school we follow the Jigsaw scheme of work for PSHE. This has a spiral curriculum which allows the children the opportunity to revisit key elements of the curriculum whilst ensuring the progression of skills and knowledge across year groups. We chose the Jigsaw scheme as it has a strong element of mindfulness within it which helps our pupils to develop a range of strategies and techniques for managing their feelings.
The scheme provides six units for each year group from Reception to Year 6 which are each comprised of 6 lessons. The sixth lesson in each unit provides a creative way for the children to reflect on what they have learnt during the half term and aids teachers in their assessments. Children are taught for half an hour a week in Key Stage 1 and for forty minutes per week in Key Stage 2. There are strong links between PSHE and other areas of the curriculum, such as science, PE, art and ICT which allow the children to consolidate their learning. They are also encouraged to use the skills they have developed during PSHE lessons in a range of situations, for example when managing their relationships with friends at break time or using a ‘calm me’ strategy during lessons if they feel frustrated or sad.
Each lesson begins with a ‘connect us’ activity which allows the children to develop their team work skills in an enjoyable, low risk manner and helps to develop relationships within the class. A ‘calm me’ session allows the children to learn and practise different strategies for calming their mind and creating a positive attitude for learning. There are ample opportunities during lessons for children to discuss their thoughts and opinions with partners, in small groups and with the whole class. Respectful communication and tolerance of different ideas is encouraged and supported by the rules set out in the Jigsaw charter. Jigsaw uses photographs, colourful resources and songs to engage pupils and each year group has its own Jigsaw piece character for children to interact with. Many activities are verbal or practical but children will complete short written activities which are often creative. Children have their own Jigsaw journal for their written activities and reflections which moves with them through school.
By the time pupils leave Outwoods, we aim for them to be kind and responsible global citizens. They are aware of the challenges which modern living presents to their physical and mental health but they are resilient and know how to advocate for themselves and seek support when needed. They will use the skills they have learnt to build positive relationships with themselves and their bodies, as well as with other individuals, which will enhance every aspect of their day to day life.