Outwoods Learning Space (OWLS)
Welcome to OWLS
OWLS is an afternoon provision learning space that ensures pupils with a high level of additional need have tailored interventions, that are linked to their EHC (Education, Health and Care) Plans. The four OWLS relate to the 4 Broad Areas of Need:
Communication and Interaction needs are supported through modelling and children are encouraged to express themselves through talking when learning. Speech and Language targets are also interweaved throughout the afternoon sessions.
Cognition and Learning needs are supported through using the Standards and a broad and balanced curriculum is being written from the children’s baseline observations. Children are taught within a small group and individual needs are met through high adult child ratios.
Social, Emotional and Mental Health needs are supported through ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant) sessions at least once a week. Children are supported to make the right choice and are developing an understanding of the zones of regulation. There are many opportunities to develop turn taking, sharing and making positive relationships with others.
Physical and Sensory Needs are met through children having regular small group PE lessons as well as weekly swimming for the Junior pupils. In addition to this, children have sensory circuits, yoga and Pindora’s Box intervention when appropriate.
How else is this learning space used?
Some children join OWLS for specific interventions e.g. real-life learning, Lego intervention and Forest Schools for example. This will be highlighted on their PLP (Personal Learning Plan).
Small groups or classes can timetable OWLS in the morning for real-life sessions or as a calm place for learning.
The Provision
The Learning Space has been designed to provide a structured environment that is small, welcoming and inclusive. The staff team will strive to give the pupils the maximum level of independence and also teach this skill where appropriate.
All pupils will have access to core subjects (maths, English) during the morning and interventions and a topic-based approach to learning, (including life skills) during the afternoon.
The method of teaching within the Learning Space will be based upon the learning being engaging and motivating. The children will be taught from the Primary National Curriculum, using a differentiated approach adapted to the individual needs. A SEND thread will be added by our SENDCo.
In the Learning Space, we also strive to enhance pupil’s social and emotional development, through specific PSHE and life skills session. In addition to this children will benefit from a sensory diet tailored to their needs as well as lego intervention, social stories and ELSA.
The OWLS Learning Journey
This will contain ‘Magic Moments’ to celebrate the individual success of each and everyone of our pupils. (Linked to the 4 areas of SEND and EHC Targets)
Each staff member will have an intervention that they lead on and be in charge of; measuring the impact of this.
The children will have their own ‘OWLS Diary’ which contains everything they want to share. It will be seen as their own diary and it will be used to develop independence.
Even though a very positive approach to success staff will be looking out for and acting upon next steps in all areas of development.
What Interventions can you expect to see?
Lego Intervention
Write from the Start
Dough Gym
Pindora’s Box
Sensory Circuits
Forest Schools
Sprint Interventions (Autism Outreach Team)