Our Ethos and Values
Mission Statement
Be Ready, Be Respectful, Aim High
Our Vision, Ethos and Values
We strive to ensure that the children get the very best chance of success. They only get this one chance and we believe that they deserve this to be the very best that we can offer - after all, it is their entitlement.
An ambitious exciting curriculum that is equitable is on offer and immerses the children in to engaging learning experiences. We grow enthusiastic, inquisitive, and resilient learners, who are independent, active in their learning and embrace challenge.
By the end of their Outwoods’ journey, their experiences will have provided the children with the opportunities to aspire to be more and have the awareness and initiative to achieve their full potential. We aspire to develop children who have a life-long love of learning and will have made memories to last a lifetime.
We value:
- Differences
- Creativity
- Support
- Care and consideration
- Fun and enjoyment
We respect:
- Differences
- Ambition
- Commitment
We celebrate:
- Differences
- Creativity
- Fulfilment
- Enthusiasm
- Success
We aim:
To promote the highest standards of teaching and learning so that the children can become successful, independent and active learners who make good progress.
To develop and use resources effectively thereby ensuring a challenging and enjoyable learning environment.
To encourage parents and carers to play an active role in their child’s education.
British Values
According to Ofsted, the fundamental British values are:
- democracy.
- the rule of law.
- individual liberty.
- mutual respect for and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs and for those without faith.
At Outwoods, we teach these values across the whole curriculum, during assemblies and throughout the school day. We believe that modelling these values is key - tolerance and respect permeate our school culture. Pupils elect their own house captains, eco and school councillors and help develop school and class rules. We also plan a wide variety of extra-curricular trips (for example to the Houses of Parliament local council chamber) to teach the children about democracy in action and which build respect for different faiths (for example visits to a Mosque, local church and a local synagogue).