Outwoods Primary School

Year 5 & 6 Bikeability

The children who took part have successfully achieved their LEVEL 1 Bikeability award where they have learned how to; prepare themselves and their bicycle for a journey, set off, pedal, look behind, cycle with one hand, turn, control their speed and slow down and stop.

As well as this, the children also went on to complete Level 2.  They have successfully learned to; start and stop during an on-road journey and negotiate a T-junction from any direction.  When cycling they can cycle safely and responsibly; spot hazards and respond to them; choose the correct road position; manage risks when cycling; understand and obey road markings and signs as well as sharing the road with others and communicating to other road users.

You have all demonstrated:

  • Great listening skills
  • Sensible decision making
  • Great concentration
  • Impressive resilience
  • Amazing perseverance
  • Positive working with others