Autumn Term 2021
Outwoods is a great place to learn. Difference does not matter; everyone is treated fairly. A - Year 6
I feel respected by the teachers and all children are very kind. M - Year 6
If I'm worried about anything then I know I could talk to my teachers or my lunchtime supervisor. S - Year 5
If I get stuck, my teacher explains the learning again and supports me. H - Year 5
The learning in school can be hard at times but I like the challenge. The going deeper yesterday really made me think. J - Year 4
This school is the best - everything is fun! Q - Year 4
Outwoods is like a big family. Everyone is kind, helpful and we all care about each other. S - Year 3
I love learning and when I am learning I am happy. A - Year 3
The teachers care about me. T - Year 2
Every grown up in the school makes me feel safe. E - Year 2
I love our classroom. It has lovely bright displays. E - Year 1
I feel happy when I'm doing maths and English as it makes me smarter. A - Year 1
I love reading and sharing books with my teacher. H - Reception
I love playing on the hop scotch outside on the playground. F - Reception